October 30, 2013

Pencil and Eraser

"That's why pencil have an eraser on it. To improve the mistake. It cannot be deleted. But it can be changed instead." - unknown

Creativity is Awesome..!!

Let's see how amazing the idea that will make your house Super Awesome..!!

Table Fire pit

A wall that plays music when the day is rain

Cat Tunnel :)

Skateboard Area - Basement

Walk-in Pool

Park Cinema

Awesome Carpark..!!

Swing-slide stair

Pool Table

Superb Swimming Pool..!!

Playground for your cat :)

Pirate-ship Bed

Dizzy Strategic Book Shelf

Backyard Beach

Forest Lamp

Tree-house for kids..

Amazing built swimming balcony

Aquarium bedroom

Backyard Superb Office

*Can't wait for having a good life. Sigh. :)

GOPAL's Death..

Regarding on the controversy over the death of GOPAL four years ago, I think this case was overly reacted by the people who did not know the truth behind it. 

The suspect was 22 years old young adult with the name of A.Gopal was detained for suspected in car robbery after being arrested by the police in Subang Jaya.  At that time, his family is claiming he was tortured in a case which has set off an emotional response from an Indian community which has grown suspicious of alleged police victimization.

Gopal was died on 20 January 2009 while under arrest for suspicion of car robbery.  The controversy of his death brings a lot of speculation among Malaysian including almost raises the sensitive issue of races in Malaysia.  It is because he was died in the jail and proven death caused by traumatically injured through beaten by the police.

Honestly speaking, in term of law view, this cases may be right for the death of Gopal which was still in detained.  However, from the personal view, I think the act of the police might be wrong, but the result of the court seems imbalance and not right.  It is because Gopal was already a criminal and he was a wrong person.

For this case, his family had believed that Gopal had been tortured to death while in a police custody and tried to bring it to the face of the law.  Then, his case was later classified as murder by the Attorney –General.

After the first and second autopsy, the resulted of this case was bringing winning situation to Gopal.  The court was awarded his mother RM851, 700 in assault and battery, false imprisonment, and misfeasance.

The payment to his mother for Gopal’s false imprisonment also seems to be a huge total of number.  It is because Gopal still a criminal in the eye of his victims indeed.  As a mother, she will always back up her son, but the truth is, once he become a criminal, he must get fined and punished.  For me, the death of Gopal already become his punishment.

The death of Gopal does not really make sense to be a big issue and he become a hero. This is wrong.  Even though he died in the jail, it did not make he is the fully victim in this cases.  How about his wrongdoing and how about his victims of car robbery? Don't we think that this issue of him being a criminal also should be risen up instead of forgetting it?

Paradoknya Dunia Siber

Internet bukan lagi perkara asing dalam kehidupan seharian sejagat masa kini. Kemunculan internet ternyata memberi pelbagai impak kepada baik buruk hidup semua orang.  Media massa turut tidak terkecuali dalam kepantasan arus trend internet sehinggakan terbentuknya kewartawanan siber.

Etika kewartawanan amat dititikberatkan mahupun etika tersebut merupakan sesuatu yang berat dilaksanakan oleh para penulis dalam menulis sesuatu fakta mahupun auta.  Apatah lagi kemunculan kewartawan siber, hampir separuh penulis blog menolak etika kewartawanan kerana dianggap menghalang kebebasan bersuara dan menulis.

Sejak awal tahun 2000 lagi, penulis blog semakin bercambah sehingga sekarang.  Penulis blog ini ternyata mengganggu landasan kerja wartawan sebenar dalam mengumpul maklumat untuk berita semasa.  Cara penulisan yang berbeza membentuk lebih besar jurang antara penulis blog dan wartawan.  Namun, kehilangan sifat etika penulisan berita dalam jiwa penulis blog bukanlah satu halangan untuk mereka daripada berhenti menulis.  

Malah kegiatan tersebut semakin aktif dengan sokongan daripada masyarakat itu sendiri. Sehinggakan pada satu tahap, wartawan sendiri turut bergantung harap kepada sumber yang didapati daripada ruangan penulisan blog.

Ini menunjukkan betapa masyarakat sekarang bukanlah masyarakat yang berfikiran cetek kerana mereka mampu menimbulkan pelbagai sentimen dalam penulisan blog mereka termasuklah politik, sosial dan ekonomi.  Setiap isu yang diketengahkan kadang-kadang boleh menjadi perhatian masyarakat sekeliling.

Apa yang menyedihkan, tidak semua masyarakat di luar sana boleh menapis dan membezakan setiap informasi yang diberikan dengan sempurna.  Kebanyakan masih mampu menerima sesuatu informasi dengan kadar bulat-bulat dan sebagai jawapannya, mereka mudah tertipu dan ditipu dengan hanya menggunakan penulisan yang tidak ada kesahihan dalam sumber.

Terbukti penulisan blog menjadi antara pilihan utama masyarakat dalam mencari maklumat kerana setiap pencarian dalam ruangan carian Google misalnya lebih menjurus kepada penulisan blog.  Masa kini, pembaca lebih berminat membaca artikel melalui blog tanpa mencari ketepatan informasi tersebut.  Yang lebih sadis apabila terdapat segolongan penulis blog yang sekadar melakukan copy and paste untuk informasi dalam setiap penulisan blog mereka.

Kes Alvivi - membangkit isu perkauman Malaysia

Kemunculan blog atau kewartawanan siber ini turut mengundang ke arah pelbagai lagi masalah dalam masyarakat Malaysia terutamanya.  Ini kerana Malaysia mempunyai masyarakat yang berbilang agama dan bangsa.  Penyentuhan isu dalam setiap sensitiviti kaum amatlah dilarang.  Namun kehadiran blog membuka lebih ruang kepada penulis blog untuk mengutarakan pandangan dan ideologi masing-masing.

Rusuhan kaum 13 Mei 1969 sepatutnya menjadi pengajaran kepada kita semua agar peristiwa hitam itu tidak lagi berulang sampai bila-bila.  Sedihnya, ketakutan itu takkan pernah padam dengan munculnya blog penulisan yang mempunyai sentimen perkauman yang ekstrem.  Blog-blog seperti inilah yang membakar api kemarahan kaum dan akan membawa kepada peperangan dingin antara kaum.  Sehingga kini, semakin banyak wujud laman blog yang berbaur perkauman dan jurang antara kaum ternyata semakin besar.

Sekitar peristiwa berdarah 13 Mei 1969

Blog tidak sahaja memecah-belahkan rakyat dengan ideologi perkauman semata, malah ideologi politik yang berbeza turut menjadi punca utama kelemahan integrasi kaum di Malaysia.  Ternyata jika dikira, tidak akan pernah cukup menunjukkan keburukan dalam media siber ini.

Sumber: Dr. Rahmat Ghazali :P

October 22, 2013

Video Review: Street Fighting

*video that shows about the street fighting in one place in Malaysia.

For a long time ago, Malaysian always seen as full-mannered people with full etiquette and politeness.  But nowadays, the thing that we can proud of seems to fade away and Malaysian people changed into another society, frankly speaking.

In Youtube, we can find a lot of videos regarding on the fighting between Malaysian either it is in the street, in office, in school, in car and everywhere.  All those videos really shows the attitude of Malaysian basically even though only some Malaysian do it.  The most shameful act is when their act of fighting and cruelness uploaded into the internet such as Youtube, the most famous video medium sharing in the world.

Here, we can see, how much the level of the Malaysian mentality regarding on the street fighting among people in Malaysia.  It seems Malaysian started to imitate a lot of western culture that have been open to everything in their every act including violence.  Today, the imitation of certain people in Malaysia towards violence seems become normal and okay.

Seems people starts to be influenced by the internet especially the trend of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.  Many things in those social media actually influenced people especially the youngsters and teenagers in becoming more violent in their act and everyday life.  So, it is not surprising when we see a lot of video of violence in social media especially Youtube.  The influenced from the social media itself actually reflects the act of the society nowadays.

Like shown in the video, the fighting is caused by a small matter and personal.  But they become violent and cannot control their anger seems there are two people who attack only one person.  That's why the violence become worse due to the unbalance fighting.  This unmannerly act actually a shameful act as a Malaysian especially when it happens in the street.  Every people that by pass that street can see all those act and it will also reflect our own society.

In conclusion, as people that have a lot of mannered, we should learn how to be more patient and think critically before act on something.  As a Malaysian, we should know how to be tolerance among us, and try to settle it slowly by not rising up any eagerness and become violence towards each other. 

October 21, 2013

The Dangerous Stance of Internet Materials.

People keep looking on the technologies and new advance gadgets.  Indeed, nobody denies on the importance of the internet in their daily lives.  Internet lives as the main root in societies on nowadays globalization world.  Most of the people around the world accepted the role of the internet as the giant powerful remote control in building the societies’ lives, mind and culture.  Unfortunately, internet gives a lot of impact and have many dangerous stances for people especially teenagers and youth.

Nowadays people tend to follow the global trend of internet’s content including on the social media’s participation.  Everyone knows about the rise of the trendy social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogging, You Tube and so on.  These kind of social media give a lot of impact either in pros and cons for each of them.  However, people will always look on the negative lesson that we get from social media.

For instance, Facebook and Twitter bring not only the good side, but also founded as giving the lack of moral in societies.  People tend to post something that might bring hateful feeling among others.  For the close example, the issues of Alvin and Vivian on the last Ramadhan.  The issue regarding the insulation of Muslim honorable month of Ramadhan has attracts many people especially from Muslim people to keep fighting on their wrongdoing.  This act brings hateful feeling to each other especially in Malaysia as we have varieties of religion and races.

Internet also have many content that still unknown in the form of trustworthy and accuracy.  Today, there are many citizen journalist appeared from the medium of blogs.  Those bloggers are mostly have no basic etiquette of journalism knowledge but they are totally become the rivals for the actual journalists.  Most of the information and content in their blogs are not really valid and accurate.  It is because they keep copy and paste from others.  As the users of the internet, it would be one of the cons in getting right information.

Photo Credit: Uncle Google :)